Saturday, 3 August 2013

Gosh, here goes... first post.

Well, I suppose I should use this as some sort of brief introduction to myself? I am the Little Marquis, who spent far too long a time in debating whether to put together a fashion blog or not. With very little to do, given that it's summer holidays for me, I finally decided to give it a try! Unlike other places where I occassionally post my daily co-ords, such as on Tumblr and Instagram, I want to use this blog solely for my passion for Japanese and Gothic fashion, and not let it get bogged down by whatever fandom I'm currently way too emotionally invested in or the bits of art I make. Fingers crossed, I won't get distracted and veer off course...

I've been wearing kodona fashion "full-time" for the last three years, and before then, I swayed between the dandy look and the very gothy neo-Victorian. Dressing in kodona (or Ouji) gives me so much confidence in myself and my appearance, and it also makes me incredibly happy, so I hope to share that passion with everyone out there who's also interested! On top of that, I'm also going to share images and themes that currently inspire me, as well as the latest lines/prints that lolita brands (and non-brands) bring out that really catch my attention. If there's any exciting news about the J-fashion scene in the UK, I'm sure I'll be putting up posts about that too!

Hmmm...what else? Oh! I'm going to make an official apology RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, about the quality of my OOTD pictures. I don't have a camera - well, I do, but my parents tend to take it with them whenever they swan off on some adventure or other - and so I'm resigned to use my camera phone, so the quality isn't exactly amazing. Hopefully, come next term, I can buy a shiny, cute new camera with my student grant.

I'd go on some more, but I'm no good at these introductions...and I sound so stuffy. (>.<;)

I'll get to posting my outfits soon, lovelies. Until then, cheerio~


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