This weekend, I'll be attending the UK's first Lolita convention, Frock On! I can't even begin to tell you how many months it's taken me to fully prepare my co-ord. I wanted to try something a little different, something soft and summery, and not the usual black and white traditional kodona that I like to wear - wow, is it harder to make a light-coloured co-ord or what?! Getting the right shades of blue...what a nightmare...
This, however, is the end result! Sort of. I mean, when I took this photo, my shirt and jabot were at the cleaners, and I couldn't find the white stockings that go with this whole ensemble. But, you get the general idea of what I'm going for, right? And, I must say, I'm pretty happy with it.
The wig is something I'm still unsure of. So, I'll take another wig with me just in case. Can't be too prepared! Hopefully, I'll get plenty of pictures while I'm at Frock On! and write about it in my next post - I'm so looking forward to this, all the shopping, the fashion shows and, of course, seeing all the beautiful Lolitas, Oujis and aristocrats there!