Sunday, 22 September 2013

OotD - Frock On!

A full and proper outfit shot from Frock On! - I'm going to have to apologise for my awkward expression. ( ; n ; )

Shirt, waistcoat, breeches, jabot, tricorn - FanplusFriend
Shoes - Demonia Shoes (laces found on eBay)
Bow - LittleBanshees @ Etsy
Cameo ring (not photographed) - Ykonna @ Etsy

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Frock On!

I know, I know, it's a bit...overdue. But, I can finally sit down and write up just a small review of Frock On!

Despite my two hours of sleep in about 48 hours, I managed to wake up early and get myself ready for the Saturday event, held at 1 Whitehall Place; which I genuinely wished I'd taken a photo of - that building was incredible and beautiful, a real lifestyle Lolita's dream! I'd been good and responsible (for once) to find the hotel the evening before, so getting to the venue was no problem. 

As I said, the venue was gorgeous - the interior absolutely plush and decadent, and, even though the hotel was pretty big, easy to to navigate through (lots of stairs, however! I took the lifts more than once just to avoid that staircase.). Seriously, the hotel was so well thought out as a location.

Four rooms were hired for Frock On! - two for the shopping, one for the stage/catwalk, and another for photography. Yup, that's right! Two rooms purely for shopping! They really delivered when they said they'd make it a Lolita's shopping dream. One room was for bring-and-buy items, while the other (photographed above) was stocked full of...I don't know...brand new stuff? From Japanese brands like Atelier Pierrot and Juliette et Justine, to well-known names as Haenuli and Cherie Cherise, and handmade makers of accessories like Roxie Sweetheart and Now, Voyager. It was amazing to see so many familiar names in one room. Luckily, I managed to restrain myself and not buy a loooooot of accessories! Just about...there was one thing in particular from Wise Wolf that I had to get...more about that later.

The day's events planned out were super fun too. I managed to sit through all of the planned classes and shows, which were so entertaining! You had two fashion shows, a "fashion fix" section, where you voted for either the brand or non-brand co-ords (put together by Kyra and Michaela, the organisers), as well as master-classes on how to properly tie a bow and how to pose. It was absolutely great and the personalities of all involved really shine through, making everything so laid-back and friendly - even just sitting there, with a room full of lolis I'd never met before, felt so comfortable and as if you were amongst friends. The whole atmosphere was lovely.

Oh, and there was a special guest too! Hitomi, from the Dolly Kei brand Grimoire, was there for a Q&A - she was so cute and friendly! 

I really had a fantastic day, and I'm so glad I went. Everyone was lovely (and so amazingly well-dressed!), I had fun and I came out of there with a few goodies - didn't win anything in the raffle though... *sob*

*edit: Dolly Kei, not Mori. FML.*

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